Early Monday morning, December 13, technicians from Holtzople Heating and Air Conditioning based near Frederick, MD began the work of removing the broken down HVAC unit and installing a new Carrier HVAC for Officer Palmer, one of the subjects in the film, PTSD911.
Palmer has been out of work for nearly 18 months due to a work-related injury – she goes in for another surgery in January – and has had a difficult time keeping up with bills due to her reduced pay. Then this past Summer her HVAC went out, so she made due with a temporary window A/C unit until it got cold and she turned on the heat. She then realized the entire system was broken. For the past few months she’s been living in a cold house, heated with only a few small space heaters.
Documentary film producer, Conrad Weaver heard about this and sent an email to Jerred Holtzople, CEO of Holtzople Heating and Air Conditioning; and he immediately responded with a commitment to donate a new system for her. “I would just love to be able to help and bless her with a new system ASAP,” Holtzople said in his email.
Weaver had never met Holtzople, but they have a mutual friend and so he took a chance and reached out. “When I sent him the email, I expected him to say they could install one for a reduced rate, or donate their time. I was so surprised when he immediately said they would install one for free!” Weaver then sent Officer Palmer a text message that she was going to get a new HVAC at no charge, she didn’t believe it at first. “Is this real?” she said, “I’ve never had anyone do such a nice thing for me, I’m speechless.”
With the cold winter still on the way, the new system will be a life-saver for her and her two dogs. Mr. Holtzople was not able to be on site during the installation, but Weaver is hoping arrange a meeting with the Holtzople team and with Officer Palmer at a later date.
In addition to the HVAC donation, Weaver held a fund-raiser to help Officer Palmer catch up on her bills. “Through the generosity of many individuals, we were able to give her a check for $2500 this week to help her catch up on her bills. This is such a huge stress reliever for Officer Palmer, especially with the upcoming surgery, and we’re so grateful for the spirit of generosity from everyone who donated. Officer Palmer is very grateful!”
To learn more about the documentary Weaver is producing, visit: www.ptsd911movie.com.