PTSD911 on MPT

Amplify your Message on MPT

We are excited to announce that the PTSD911 documentary will air on *Maryland Public Television (MPT) in January 2025. This is a unique opportunity for companies and organizations to connect with the citizens of Maryland, Washington DC, and the surrounding regions. By selecting a sponsorship package, you can amplify your message to a broad and engaged audience while supporting a film that has had a tangible impact on the lives of emergency responders, many of whom have reached out for help after watching PTSD911.

Presenting Sponsor $20,000
(One Available)
Includes a 15-second spot at the beginning and closing of the program and at on the PTSD911 Web site and social media channels. BONUS: A one hour podcast interview with First Responder Wellness Podcast

Presented by: Logo and tagline.

Gold Sponsor
(Two Available)
Includes a 10-second spot at the beginning and closing of the program and at on the PTSD911 Web site and social media channels. BONUS: A one hour podcast interview with First Responder Wellness Podcast

Additional funding provided by: Logo and tagline.

Silver Sponsor
(Four Available)
Included with other Silver sponsors in a 10-second spot at the beginning and closing of the program and at on the PTSD911 Web site and social media channels. BONUS: A 30 minute podcast interview with First Responder Wellness Podcast

Additional funding provided by: Logo.

Bronze Sponsor
(Ten Available)
9 Available
Listed with other Bronze sponsors at the beginning and closing of the program and at on the PTSD911 Web site and social media channels.

Supporting Sponsor
$50 – $500 

Listed with other Supporting Sponsors on PTSD911 Web site and social media channels.








*All sponsors will be invited to a private watch party in Frederick, Maryland on the evening of the broadcast premiere. The date, time, and location are TBA.

PTSD911 on MPT Sponsorship information
Fill out this form to get more information or to arrange a call with Conrad Weaver regarding Sponsoring the Broadcast Premiere of PTSD911 on Maryland Public Television.


First Responders sign up to serve; they risk their lives and their mental health to respond to someone’s worst day. Who will rescue them?

In the feature-length documentary “PTSD911,” first responders’ untold stories unfold, revealing the profound psychological toll they endure—from the gripping intensity of life-and-death situations to the hidden struggles behind their facade of strength. The film portrays the strength and stoicism of first responders within cultures that normalize enduring challenges but also create a damaging stigma and formidable barriers to seeking help. Through personal accounts from firefighters, police officers, and 9-1-1 dispatchers, the audience journeys through the complexities of trauma, shedding light on its universal and individual impact. The documentary concludes with a resounding message of hope, encouraging those suffering in silence to reach out, emphasizing that help, understanding, and healing are within reach.

At its core, the PTSD911 Documentary seeks to raise awareness about the prevalence and impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among emergency responders. The documentary aims to humanize these heroes, showing their struggles and triumphs, and to educate the public about the mental health challenges faced by those who dedicate their lives to helping others.
PTSD911 provides a comprehensive and balanced view of post-traumatic stress, exploring its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Director, Conrad Weaver’s desire was to create a visually stunning and emotionally impactful film that engages viewers and encourages empathy and understanding and moves the viewer to action.
Since its release, the PTSD911 Documentary has had a significant impact on audiences, sparking important conversations about mental health and PTSD. Viewers have praised the film for its emotional honesty and its ability to shed light on a topic that is often kept in the shadows. The documentary has also had a tangible impact on the lives of emergency responders, many of whom have reached out for help after watching the film. By raising awareness about PTSD and the importance of mental health care, the documentary has helped to improve the lives of those affected by this debilitating condition.

Maryland Public Television, commonly known as MPT, is a public television network that broadcasts throughout the entire state of Maryland and the District of Columbia and into parts of Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. MPT is Maryland’s only statewide broadcaster. Headquartered in Owings Mills, MPT is a member of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and is a producer of both locally and nationally distributed TV programs and digital content. MPT reaches 1.2M persons 18+ in the Baltimore/Washington region.

Click the button below to schedule a call with Director Conrad Weaver.